Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Actions are but by intention

Amiril Mu'minin Abi Hafsin Umar ibni al-Khattab (RA) narrates from Rasul (SAW) that: "Actions are (judged) but by the intention (which has motivated that action); and every man shall have (only) that which he intended. Thus he whose (object of) migration (Hijrat) was Allah and His Rasul (SAW), his migration was (truly) for Allah and His Rasul (SAW); and he whose migration was (to achieve some) worldly benefit or to take some women in marriage, then his (object of) migration was that for which he migrated." [Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]

The Ulema and Muhad’ditheen of yester-year commenced their works with this hadith, so that before proceeding, teacher and pupil cold check and rectify their intentions. Hence Imaam Bukhaari and Waliy-yud-deen bin Muhammed Abdullah Al-Khateeb-At-Tabrezi (Saheeb-e-Mishkaat) have both commenced their famous compilations with this hadith. Both have accorded such importance to this hadith that they have placed and discussed it first, independent of any other chapter.

Muhaddith Abdur Rahman bin Muhammed Mahdi (Rahmatullah alaih) says that every author should commence his book with this hadith.

[extracted from: The Arba’een – 40 hadith of Imaam Nawawi, Syarah by Maulana Aashiq Elahi Buland Shehri, Darul-Ishaat Urdu Bazaar Karachi, 1998]

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