Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rope of Allah

“And Hold firmly on to the rope of Allaah, united, and do not cause dissension amongst yourselves. And remember Allaah’s favour upon you when you were enemies then Allah created a bond between your hearts thus through His bounty you became brothers.
And you were at the edge of the pit of Hell so Allaah saved you from it. In this was Allaah explains his laws to you that you may remain on the straight path.”
[Surah Ali-Imran]

The following points are noted in the light of the above ayat:
1. Unity is a command of Allaah.
2. Disunity is forbidden.
3. Unity and brotherhood are great gifts of Allaah.
4. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Masud (RA) reports that the rope of Allaah is the book of Allaah, which is suspended between the sky and the earth.
5. The method of achieving unity is that all should join hands in practicing upon the book of Allaah i.e. the Qur’aan. The obvious result of this is that all Muslims will become united, like a group of people holding a rope become like one body. Thus, if all Muslims were to hold firmly on to this rope, then the structure of Islam will automatically become uniform as was witnessed in the first era of Islamic history.
6. Just as practicing consistently upon the Qur’aan is the only cause of unity, not practicing upon the Qur’aan is the cause of disunity.

[“Boundaries of Differences", From the discourses of Faqihul-Ummat Mufti Mahmood-Hasan Gangohi (R.alaih), Compiled by Mufti Muhammad Farooq Saheb Merrati (DB), Zam Zam Publishers, Urdu Bazaar Karachi Pakistan, 2003]

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